On The Approach-pages it was outlined what the major issues are in the World. Those issues cause a lot of other issues. Also in the Business World.
To determine what the issues are that your Business is dealing with it will require us to do a more Tailored-Cut Assessment.
However, part of the solution will always be to ensure the Personal Applications and Implementation of The Three Requirements in people's Personal Life and Modus Operandi. That will also lay the Groundwork for those who operate in a Business setting.
To be able to Implement The Power Harmonizer in a Business or Organization the participants will need to go through those steps in order for them to be able to grasp working with it in a Business setting. It could of course be that they already work to a great extent out of it in their Life. These Three Requirements are the Groundwork to ensure The Power Harmonizer for a Business will be optimized in the Business Setting.
So for Businesses it looks as follows:
3. Working on your Personal Power Harmonizer
4. Working with The Power Harmonizer for Businesses
The Consulting Package for Businesses includes:
These Materials are also of a propietary nature and will require me to have an In-Take Conversation with you in order to determine how we can make a working realtionship out of this. The Power Presentation can be made part of these negotiations.
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