As I have Outlined in The 10 MAJOR POINTS of "The Bias, Falsehoods & Inadequacies of Materialistic Science" it has resulted that the Approach of Mainstream Science has been dictating us a Limited, Distorted and Merely Materialistic View of Life causing our consciousness to be permeated and deceived by Illusions, Hallucinations and Lies.
Since ALL of the ASSUMPTIONS & PROJECTIONS of the phenomena labelled as "Climate Change/Global Warming" are based on the Bias & Falsehoods of Mainstream Science, it is logic that The Climate Change Theories are a COMPLETE HOAX.
As I stated in The 10 MAJOR POINTS of "the Bias, Falsehoods & Inadequacies of Materialistic Science":
"These 10 MAJOR POINTS Show it does Not Make Any Sense At All to assume that Mainstream Science and all that it produces in the form of its Hypothesized Cognition, Data, Projections to Prognosticate Future Events, Policies or Technologies, would Result in Any Unambiguously Clarifying Truthful Statements or Conclusions about the World, Nature, Humanity, our Soul, our Spirit, Spirituality, Spiritual phenomena and Religion. Nor about the reminiscents located through-out the World that appear to be of a religious or spiritual nature, or (future) World Events, including the assumptions and projections regaarding Climate Change.
So, in case Mainstream Science does NOT cheat, doctor or manipulate and recognizes its limitations, flaws and pitfalls (No's. 1-9), and it does not practice those, and thus does not claim to be an omniscient source, the results in studies, data and cognition CAN BE relevant.
But even then it will only reflect a partial aspect of Reality, and it should NOT dictate our entire Life, nor the Policies and Technologies we develop.
Because otherwise it is still an UTTER DECEPTION, and actually an INSANITY for People, Organizations, Businesses, Governments, Nations and Global Organizations to completely shape their Worldview, their thinking, their Lives, their Policies, their Technologies, to be Only and Fully in sync in a blind-trusting, dogmatic and “religious belief” manner with all that Mainstream Science and the Intellect dictates us regarding Life and especially Climate Change, and recently also about COVID-19."
Due to its Fundamental Bias & Falsehoods Materialistic Science can Definitely Not produce Any Unambiguously Clarifying Truthful Conclusions, Projections, Prognostications Policies or Measures regarding Climate Change/Global Warming.
Being convinced it would, advocating it and pursuing the implementation of policies based on it Only reveals Sheer Bias and Ignorance.
Or even worse: it’ll reveal an Evil Will and Agenda (like of the false prophets Gore, Obama and the Pope, and of All the Fake News & Fake Science about it !).
So as the Bias, Falsehoods & Inadequacies of Materialistic Science shows it is actually not even necessary to point out that the Assumption that CO2 would be the cause of the warming (if there even is one) is just one more of their false assumptions and that their models and projections on it (like the hockey-stick model proven in a Canadian court to be doctored) are just manipulated fabrications.
It shows that when looking at their models and projections more closely that they are not only wrong, but also very much doctored and manipulated. That is inherent in what was outlined in POINT No. 3 regarding their Biased, False & Inadequate Research Set-up. It enables exactly that: Random Assumptions, Doctoring & Manipulation.
Neverthless let's take a closer look at the Lies surrounding Climate Change and include some of the accurate representations on the subject:
This does not mean we don’t need to be much more considerate and careful with our Environment and clean it up, We Absolutely Do. But the Way How to do so will Determine if we are Successful at it. The Climate Change Hoax-Approach, as shown here, will Not Result in any success at all.
That's Why we need to Re-Define & Expand our Worldview to provide us with a Sound Wholistic World-View & Truthful Knowledge enabling us to generate Sound Policies & Measures.
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